jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

Low C

Here's another candyrat genius at work, Erick Turnbull with "Low C". Definitely one of my favorite acoustic pieces, but there are so many! Sorry I don't have too much to write lately. That'll change. Hope you like the video..

Low C - Ercik Turnbull

martes, 20 de abril de 2010


After stumbling upon Andy Mckee, via Justin King, I fell onto this wonder. Without watching his videos it sounds as though two people are playing, but don't be deceived. Some of his techniques are revolutionary. Antoine Dufour, another former Canadian (Maneli Jamal), masterfully strings these compositions together. My absolute favorite if I had to choose would be Reality. Its soothing and entrancing at the same time. Hope you enjoy!

Reality - Antoine Dufour

lunes, 19 de abril de 2010


Now here's a very unknown guitarrist I wanted to bring up. Sometimes I'll do mainstream, performers that are very well known, other times the opposite. I don't have too much to write about this one unfortunately, other than it's very melodic! Hope you enjoy.
Website: Agustin Amigo

Always - Agustin Amigo

viernes, 16 de abril de 2010

More Love

Everyone needs more love.

Victor Wooten, the incredibly skilled bassist, has won almost every award given to a bass guitarist. Once part of the group Bela Fleck and the Flecktones, he is now a solo composer, teacher, published author among many other things. More Love is one of the hits on his newest album Victor Wooten: A show of hands. To find out more about Victor Wooten and his inspiring music- click the picture above.

More Love - Victor Wooten

jueves, 15 de abril de 2010

In with the Purple and out with the Blue

Now, onto more exceptional guitar recommendations! Please let me know if you have any suggestions, as this blog is aimed at broadening the music scope of everyone included. So suggestions are welcome. Now, here is another one of the CandyRat kings at work. Craig D'Andrea, a young and very talented fingerstyle guitar player. And my pick is In with the Purple and out with the Blue. Its very soft and soothing. Hope you enjoy

In with the Purple and out with the Blue - Craig D'Andrea

Break Free

After discussing a bit about Dave Matthews from the Tim Reynolds suggestion, I had to choose one of his songs to mention. Took me like an hour to choose because he's one of those artists (to me), that I absolutely love the chemistry of every one of his/their songs. But here's one that I don't think is very well known by the mass of Dave Fans. Its called Break Free.

Break Free - Dave Matthews Band

miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010

While My Guitar Gently Weeps

I'm sure many of you are familiar with this song which was made by The Beatles, and was spectacularly performed in the movie "Across the Universe". I found Sungha Jung, a Korean child savant whilst picking through the fingerstylists on Youtube. From a young age, this player was able to just listen to a song, and be able to understand how to play it. Extremely clean and precise, all of his songs are top notch. This is one of my favorites of his cover compositions.

Sunhga Jung - While My Guitar Gently Weeps

martes, 13 de abril de 2010


Lets talk about another incredible artists who goes by the name of Tim Reynolds. Now if you're familiar with the Dave Matthews Band, chances are that you're also familiar with Tim. Tim was consequently the reason that the band got together. lets go back a couple decades to where Tim was performing at a bar at which Dave was the bartender. Fortunately for the millions of Dave fans out there, Tim asked him up on stage to perform with him. The rest is history. Tim recorded with the DMB with their new album "Big Whiskey and the Groogrux King". Tim is also part of a band called Tim Reynolds 3 or TR3. Check them out.
And here is Betrayal by Tim Reynolds

viernes, 9 de abril de 2010


2 years ago, this spring, I saw a kid at my college play this song, Phunkdified by Justin King. I was blown away. I have to attribute my learning and knowledge to the Fingerstyle world to Justin King and Matty Mac, the one who played it, because from then on I started down the path of guitar passionate. I would easily put him at the calibur of some of the other famous fingerstylists and Candy Rat savvants. His skill is undeniable and he's truly an artist at the least.

So here we are with Justin King's Phunkdified-

Check in with me tomorrow for the daily (or almost daily) updates of music acoustic talent and genius!

jueves, 8 de abril de 2010


I've been looking at guitars recently and due to my financially tight situation, and decided that I want to grab the Breedlove Passport c450 CM. Its beautiful and plays incredibly. Better than many of the $1200 guitars in the store, and its a bargain. However, my dream guitar that I need to pick up again and test it out, the one Ill get eventually is the Taylor 812CE. Incredibly beautiful guitar.

"Drifting" By Andy Mckee is notably the song that gave him his career. He became intensely popular from his videos on Youtube, at one point holding the highest position for views, which launched him into his career. I also have to give him special honors because he was most definitely one of the artists that launched me down this path, and I couldn't have done it without a few of these guys to influence my along the way, and teach me some new methods, and new tricks on how to make the guitar sing, instead of using your own voice.
One of his other songs, which I'm sure I'll get to down the list "Ebon Coast" was the first finerstyle guitar song I learned through and through, and I still hold on to it this day. I can remember the first time I saw it, and was just blown away. So check out Drifting, by Andy Mckee. And he also came out with a new Album called Joyland. You can find more information about this artist here:



Maneli Jamal - Movement III - Ziur

First post on this new blog!

Now as an introduction, I want to explain a bit about what this blog will be about. This is going to be a musician's blog, or those who enjoy listening to (mostly) acoustic music. I'll be choosing different songs that I find that blow me away, and that I want to share with you guys. There is a ton of unexplored stuff out there.

So, the first pick goes to Maneli Jamal
Now I stumbled upon this guy while on Youtube checking out different stuff. Now I'm addicted and can't not listen to his songs before the day is over. After checking out a few of his stuff, I immediately bought his CD on itunes. NO ONE has ever been able to do that before, I rarely buy CDs, but I just had to have this one. So here's to Maneli Jamal.. and Movement III Ziur

If you'd like to find out more about Maneli, or about his music etc. Check out his website here-


Check in soon for some more music!