jueves, 15 de abril de 2010

In with the Purple and out with the Blue

Now, onto more exceptional guitar recommendations! Please let me know if you have any suggestions, as this blog is aimed at broadening the music scope of everyone included. So suggestions are welcome. Now, here is another one of the CandyRat kings at work. Craig D'Andrea, a young and very talented fingerstyle guitar player. And my pick is In with the Purple and out with the Blue. Its very soft and soothing. Hope you enjoy

In with the Purple and out with the Blue - Craig D'Andrea

2 comentarios:

  1. This is nice. I really gotta pick me up a better mic. Makes a world of difference! But what about capturing the sound. (plug it where?)

  2. I'm not entirely sure. I know with condesor mics it does everything for you, you don't need to plug your guitar it, itll capture all of the sound. But I think some mics can get plugged into your computer through a jack, and then you have the video too. something to look into..
